Wednesday, September 1, 2010

things to do before i die

Bucket List:
  1. Get doctorate in psychology.
  2. Get into honors college
  3. have brown hair, at some point
  4. live in an apartment, complete with a kitten
  5. have at least 4 tattoos
  6. play on another basketball team
  7. go to england, stay in england, become english
  8. read everything. EVERYthing
  9. Learn everything I can about psychology and be knowledgeable about it to the extent I would be able to talk on nearly any related topic for extended periods of time
  10. be on jeopardy and win
  11. own a car, bought with my own money
  12. get muscles, nice small muscles
  13. live in a big city that's not in Virginia
  14. own my own bookstore in said city and live above it
  15. have a very loving and successful marriage
  16. go camping and actually like it
  17. go vegetarian, if not forever, for a long period of time
  18. love
  19. visit Tolkien's house and tour it
  20. learn to speak another language essentially fluently, a language that is NOT Spanish
  21. be friends with my mom
  22. write a book
  23. learn to do something artistic and be good at it
  24. see famous paintings/museums in Europe
  25. buy my brother a really nice car
  26. go on a “real date”
  27. try sushi
  28. win in a fight
  29. help people who need it
  30. be financially stable (but not rich

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