Thank you God, for Netflix. If I did not have you, my life would be desolate and barren. I would shed tears each day for my life, a life void of meaning. A life void of Nip/tuck.
Thank you, Cheeze-its. If not for you, I would be constantly hungry. I would have no caring companion to nibble on when bored, when lonely. When hungry, and lacking companions to dine with. Thank you.
Thank you, polka-dot bedsheets from Target. You are comfy, and adorable. You give me a nice place to lay my body on, that pleases me both physically and aesthetically.
Thank you Starbucks in the library. Thank you for making me wait in the long line, being shouted at for my order, for a drink that tastes like shit. Thank you.
Thank you Jersey Shore. Thank you for preoccupying all of my peers' minds with your nefarious antics. Thank you for introducing new and idiotic things into my culture. Thank you for making me giggle at Snooki whenever I feel low.
Thank you, air-conditioner in my room. Even though you get turned off by my evil roommate whenever my back is turned or whenever I am not home, you are always eager to be turned on again and cool me down instantly. Thank you.
Thank you Skype. On the nights you decide to actually work properly, you provide me with lovely face-to-face contact with my boyfriend that I would be unable to have otherwise, aside from weekends. On the nights you don't work, for no apparent reason, thank you for the added frustration and suicidal/murderous thoughts you give me. Thank you.
Thank you, bathroom in Johnson Hall. Thank you for having broken lights so my showers are always dim. Thank you for always getting black hair on me, mysteriously. Thank you for smelling bad.
Thank you facebook, for providing my ex boyfriend an extra means of stalking me when I refuse to text him back, on the grounds he is a douchebag.
Thank you Tuesdays/Thursdays, for being my favorite days, because the classes don't suck.
Thank YOU.
Kate, this was a funny look into your college life. I'm sure many can relate to the same frustrations as you and the things that actually make you happy. I love Skype and Cheez-its too. I'm happy that I don't have to deal with mysterious, smelly dorm showers though.