Nah, but really.
I'm not a speech person. It's about as simple as that.
In my mind, 'speeches' and 'boring' are interchangeable words.
I can think of only political speeches, which to me are essentially pointless, or rallying speeches by the likes of Martin Luther King JR. I wouldn't go so far as to say that his 'I have a dream' speech is particularly boring, but at the same time, I don't go out of my way to car about it. I wasn't there. It doesn't bother me. Even just thinking about this topic irritates me. I am bored typing this very sentence.
I considered writing about Tiger Woods's speech after all his controversy came to the public eye, and poking fun at him. But even such a sexually charged story bores me, which clearly indicates that this topic is not made for me.
My apologies.
I completely agree. I really hate speeches. It took me forever to think of the one speech that actually sparked my interest, and even that was hard to write about. Speeches are boring, and most of the time apologetic, or they are trying to hard to inspire. To me, speeches are usually rants, and all I hear is 'Wah wah wah.'